Advertise With Us



Advertising provides positive exposure and encourages patronage of your business during the six weeks of equestrian events, as well as in the future. All information pertaining to ads can be found below.

2025 Sponsor Marketing Brochure


Pick and choose the type of marketing that would best suit your company’s needs.

Prices are on a weekly basis unless otherwise specified.

Options Include:

Banner Advertising/Wrapping

  • Existing Banner: $300/$1000 for all ten weeks

  • New Banner: $550/$1250 for all ten weeks

  • Wrapping: $2,500 - $5,000

Jump Advertising - Price Varies

7’x12’ Digital Scoreboard Advertisement - $250 - $500

Scoreboard Video Advertisement - $1,500 - $5,000               

Prize List Advertisement - $350 - $1,500 (one time publication)

Arena Wrapping Advertising - $3,000 - $5,000

Public Service Announcements - $150

E-Blasts - $500 - $2,500

Social Media Posts - $500 - $1,000

Show Management App Advertisement - $500

Website Advertisement - $500 - $2,500


Prize List

  • Commitment for space: February 28, 2025

  • Materials and payment: March 7, 2025


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  • Preferred in native format (i.e. Photoshop EPS, QuarkXPress). Also include a PDF copy.

  • Original files are preferred in the format they were produced. High-res PDF files are OK but must be 1,200 or 2,400 dpi.

  • Label all disks that are sent with company, contact, file format and a phone number.

  • A hard-copy proof of the ad that contains all file information should be provided. Color proof, where applicable, should indicate trims and bleeds. Only ad files on the disk.

  • All scans/graphics/images must be on disk with text in native files.


  • Build pages to trim size and extend bleed to 1/8” beyond page edge. Keep live matter 1/4” from final trim.

  • Scanned images should not be enlarged beyond 110% or reduced below 50% in the layout application. and image resolution must be 300 dpi or higher.

  • Please do not nest EPS files within other EPS files.

  • Color scan images should be CMKY where possible. Image density should be 280% maximum.

  • Image file format should be TIFF, EPS, JPEG or BMP.

  • Duotones should be converted to CMKY mode.


  1. All rates are based on camera-ready copy. Production charges may be billed to advertiser for changes made after deadlines.

  2. Advertisers are accepted upon the representation that the advertiser and its agency have the right to publish the contents. In consideration of such publication, advertiser and its agency agree to indemnify and hold the Saratoga Horse Show harmless against any expense arising out of publication.

  3. All ads must be paid in full by materials deadlines listed for each publication. Checks are made to Saratoga Horse Show.

  4. The Saratoga Horse Show reserves the right to reject any advertisement that does not keep with the publication’s standards and show management’s mission.